Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Do You Remember Me Now by Karen Hanson Stuyck, 301 pages

Deciding to seek revenge for bullying inflicted during high school, a killer is knocking out members of The Six, a group of the popular and mean leaders from high school. Kate Dalton suffered at the hands of The Six, but has managed to re-invent herself and returns home to nurse her sick mother, little knowing it will place in the lineup as a suspect. She must team up with detective Sam Wolfe if she not only wants to clear her name but survive her reunion.
I hated a lot of high school, so this book hit too close to home at times. While I would never actually knock off some of my high school bullies, this book was a good read.


  1. I don't think that last sentence is really going to be an effective defense when members of your high school class start disappearing.

  2. I would just like to say that I've read enough murder mysteries that I think I could get away with it (insert evil laugh.)
