Saturday, May 4, 2019

Wetter, Louder, Stickier by Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott, 216 pages

Join in the chaotic fun with the MacPherson family in this thirty-first Baby Blues cartoon collection!

Child-rearing reaches an entirely new level of delightfully messy chaos in Baby Blues: Wetter, Louder, Stickier. Battle-ready and perpetually exhausted, Daryl and Wanda team up to navigate a new front of challenges, like Zoe's enthusiasm over the Smoochy Boyz concert, deciphering baby Wren's attempts at language, and determining Hammie's place as a colon in the school play; whether colon refers to punctuation or digestion remains undetermined. Armed with performance-enhancing substances (a.k.a., chocolate donuts), the perfectly normal MacPherson family will surely bring a barrage of smiles and laughter to familiar fans with their perfectly chaotic lives.

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