Thursday, November 6, 2014

Death Overdue by Mary Lou Kirwin, 261 pages

This book features how I would most likely be murdered, found beneath a knocked over bookcase. I would say this is how my husband would "find me" since we have 2 tall and wide bookcases that are heavily loaded with alphabetized books.
Karen Nash is back in England with her "boyfriend" Caldwell Perkins, trying to decide if she's ready to completely uproot her life by moving to England fulltime and opening an used bookstore with him. But before she's ready to make a decision, his old girlfriend shows up, only to end up dead with a day. Now with the investigators looking at either Caldwell or her as main suspects, Karen must figure out how the killer is, before she ends up under a pile of books herself.
This is the second book in this series and I love them both. I can't wait for the author to write more, I really enjoy the characters passion for books.

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