Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Destruction of the Books by Mel Odom, 424 pages

After his adventures on the mainland Wick, the Rover, returned to his duties at the Vault of All Known Knowledge and quickly worked his way up the hierarchy , continuing his quest for the preservation of books and the knowledge contained therein.
And now that quest is threatened.
It is many years later and lowly Wick is now Grandmagister Lamplighter of the Great Library. His trips to the mainland are fewer due to his advanced age, and lately he has enlisted an apprentice researcher by the name of Jugh to undertake those roving duties he used to relish.
An encounter with a goblin ship on the high seas leads to Jugh's discovery of a book in goblin hands, a most urgent matter that must be investigated.
This single event , the acquisition of a single book, leads to startling revelations that forewarns of a great evil that exists that is every bit as powerful as the Vault of All Known Knowledge, and whose presence in the Great Library may indeed result in The Destruction of the Books
And perhaps much worse.

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