Sunday, November 6, 2022

Think IFruity by Bill Amend, 128 pages

 One of today's most popular syndicated strips, FoxTrot now appears in more than 1,000 daily and Sunday newspapers. Whether working through the daily disorders of home, school, or office, the Fox family manages to put its special spin on the rigors of the world. Setting the comic tone are mom Andy, whose heroic efforts to make tofu into the fifth food group are legend, and dad Roger, who is a human hazard on the golf course and a threat to the workings of all technologically driven devices. Filling out the cast are the younger Foxes: the eldest and football star wanna-be Peter, shopping guru Paige, and last-but never least-Jason, the family brain trust and his trusty iguana friend, Quincy. Each sports his or her own eccentricities, from Jason's Internet stock, Jasonzonbayhoo dot com, to Peter's teeth-chattering coffee addiction to Paige's harrowing adventures in baby-sitting.This is the twentieth FoxTrot book.

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