I had to reread The Vampire Lestat for a book club, and before you know it, I'm sucked into The Queen of the Damned, again, for the 4th or 5th time. The book picks up with Akasha, Queen of all Vampires, taking Lestat as her prince consort, son to her Mother Goddess. She is determined to remake the world into a woman's world, with just a handful of men saved for propagation purposes only. Just a handful of vampires are left to stand between her and this new world. As always, Anne Rice's recreation of the vampire legend is stunning, intriguing and elaborate. For anyone whose only introduction to this book was the movie, please know that the movie SUCKED big time compared to the book. Yes, sucked is the only word that fits. But this book should really only be read after reading The Vampire Lestat to do it proper justice.
Reminds me of a discussion Hailey and I had about wot would become of all the urinals and video games after women finally used genetic tech to reproduce without men and did away with them: The urinals will become easy-water flower pots. The video games? Maybe museum pieces??