Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bloodroot by Amy Greene, 549 pages

One of my younger sisters mentioned she was reading this for her book club, so I thought I would pick it up. I probably wouldn't have chosen it otherwise, but it was a different and interesting read. It section is narrated by 1 or 2 characters, alternating between their viewpoint, with the characters changing in each section. It takes place in the hill country, in what must be the Appalachians. Myra fell in love with John Odom and we see how this romance affected not only her grandparents who raised her, but also the neighbor boy who loved her from afar, Myra and John's two children and even Myra and John. This was was therapists would call a disfunctional relationship. The story weaved back and forth in time, and between the characters, but it served the story well.

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